Balancing Acceptance and Change

Acceptance is a topic which has been coming up in many client sessions recently, particularly as a result of the COVID19 pandemic.

In Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), we talk about the balance between acceptance and change. That is, that in any given situation, there are elements which we have control and agency over, and that we can change. However, there are also elements of the situation, which are out of our control, and all we can work towards for those, is acceptance.

Acceptance can provide us with that feeling of “letting go”. We all have pain of some sort in life. However, not accepting life and reality for what it is, can lead to additional suffering. It is important to remember that acceptance is not approval. By accepting, I am not saying that I agree, that I approve, or that I like the situation. I am saying, it simply is.

Corona virus Related anxiety is real. Help is available. (7).png